Paralegal News: Improv & Bad Clients
Every month, every week, even every day new content surfaces with helpful tips and tricks to support growth in your paralegal career. You’re busy taking care of the demanding tasks of organizing a case, chasing down transcripts, and scheduling important events to ensure the outcome your client deserves. Finding the time in your busy day to stay current on news and legal insights is daunting.
You honestly just don’t have time.
So, we’re here to help you. Every month, we’ll compile some of our favorite articles to help guide you to be a better, more informed paralegal.
Read on.
The Bad Clients You Don’t Take Will Be the Best Money You Never Made
Not all clients are created equal. Great clients will enhance your legal skills, your reputation, and your bottom line. Bad clients can make you question your skills, destroy your reputation, and result in the worst money you have ever made. Great article, Randall Ryder.
Legal Technology Companies Find a Voice in Amazon Alexa
Forget crime-reporting robots or machine secretaries ; the future may be far more simplistic. Need to document your work time on a particular case? Just say it aloud . Want to find out how many cases your team handled last month? Just ask. Something will hear you and answer back. And chances are, her name will be Alexa. Thanks for the article, Rhys Dipshan.
Five Things That Slow Growth in a Law Firm
When it comes to scaling their businesses, I often see the same five things that slow law firms’ growth. When you know what these things are — and how to address them — you can grow quickly, sustainably and, most important, profitably. Here’s a rundown. Great tips, Brook Lively.
How Learning Improv Gives Lawyers an Edge
The opening statement in any court case is a performance. It’s the part where the jury, and everyone present, is a captive audience with the lawyer almost literally on stage. Knowing a little about the craft of stand-up could give you an edge. Cool ideas, Bull Garlington.
Cross-Examination and the Perfect Question
During cross-examination, asking perfect questions will force the witness to give only answers that help you persuade the jury and win the trial. Thanks for your insight, Andy Mergendahl.
What Lawyers Can Learn From Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report
While the Internet Trends report is an important read for any digital trends enthusiast, there are ample insights to be gleaned for professionals across a wide range of industries, including legal. To that end, we took a look at all 355 slides in the Internet Trends report to see what has been foretold for law firms in coming years. Great article, Derek Bolen.